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Audiovisual methods and soft skills for language teaching – Project

Audiovisual methods and soft skills for language teaching – Project


The Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project is carried on by 6 different institutions, who fight with similar issues when it comes to their teaching staff: the fluctuation of personnel is high, so partners must continually invest in the development of their staff & teachers lack some knowledge, which are essential to provide qualitative services: especially using audiovisual methods in the classroom, soft skills and pedagogical skills.


These are the main reasons, why the project is meant to achieve the following general objectives:  to bring innovation in the linguistic education of adults by developing digital of skills of teachers; increase the soft skills and pedagogical skills of educators to better fit the current requirements of employees; increase the quality and efficiency of language teaching.

The objectives will be achieved especially by training events.

The topics of the training events will develop three types of skills:

- Digital skills such as using educational apps and online resources to create audiovisual materials for the classroom, create and use video pod-casting, digital safeness;

- Soft skills such as leadership skills; inter-and-intra personal communication; teamwork and problem solving; social and emotional intelligence;

- Pedagogical skills such as using the CLIL method, flipped classroom or classroom management.




Bridge Language Study House – Cluj-Napoca, Romania (https://blsh.ro/)


Iberika Education Group - Berlin, Germany (www.iberika.de)

Progeu – Progress in European Union – Rome, Italy (https://progeu.org/)

Future Focus Ltd – Floriana, Malta (www.futurefocus.com.mt

Studium Jezykow Obcych Modern Languages Center – Lodz, Poland (www.studium.com.pl)

ITC International TEFL Certificate – Prague, Czech Republic (www.itc-international.eu


Details about the project: 

