Report of the accreditation year 2023-2024
During the period 2023-2024 our center benefited from 2 training opportunities:
"NeuroEducation in action" course
5 colleagues from the centre took part in the "NeuroEducation in action" course organized in the beautiful city of Ghent in Belgium. During the course the 5 teachers learned about topics such as:
- the application of neuro-educational strategies in language teaching;
- techniques for managing emotions, crucial for creating an optimal learning environment;
- coaching methods;
- techniques for effective communication and building learner-teacher and learner-learner relationships;
- capitalizing on the different neurological profiles of adults to improve language learning.
Trainers: Europass Teacher Academy
As a result of this course, the 5 teachers have developed a best practice guide to guide language teachers in adult education into the world of neuroscience addressing topics such as:
- Human brain-friendly classrooms
- Learner-centered teaching
- Developmental mindset
- Coaching in neuroscience education
- Positive feedback.
The guide can be viewed here!
Job-shadowing activity
At the end of July 2024, 2 colleagues from our center took part in a job-shadowing activity in Braga, Portugal!
In addition to observing language classes, they also shared ideas with teachers and members of the management of the host institution, London Institute.
Among other topics they discussed inclusive education, digitization in teaching, teaching techniques and course management, and shared ideas and opportunities for collaboration.